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IoT in Real Estate: How Demand for IoT-enabled Technology is Transforming Rental Properties

Feb 9, 2023 11:00 am PST 2:00 pm EST 1 hour
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IoT in Real Estate: How Demand for IoT-enabled Technology is Transforming Rental Properties

Feb 9, 2023 11:00 am PST 2:00 pm EST 1 hour

We live in a time of change — generational and technological. These changes can affect many current markets, including real estate. In 2023, Gen Z and their predecessors, Gen Y (millennials) are driving the demand for smart apartment technology. They grew up with the Internet of Things (IoT), meaning internet-connected smartphones and devices. So robust internet connectivity and property-wide wi-fi are an expectation, not an amenity.

In this webinar, Rebecca Peterson, Group Product Manager, and Himanshu Caplash, Senior Product Manager, for Access Controls at LiftMaster, will explain this generational shift and how owners can introduce IoT-enabled tech to their properties and attract high-value renters. Renters will pay up to $30.00 more a month in rent to get them.


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